The initial voting period has ended. Stay tuned for updates!
Shape the Future of AAEM — Cast Your Vote!
AAEM Section elections are democratic – YOU nominate and elect your leaders!
Voting is now closed for the 2025-26 Council term. Before voting, please take a minute to read through each of the Candidate Statements and review the Section Leadership Criteria.
Full-voting members (with paid-through dates of 12/31/2025 or beyond) are eligible to vote for the Chair-Elect and Secretary/Finance Chair. Associate and full-voting members can vote for Councilors. Only Residents and Students can vote for their Representative(s). Members must be paid through 6/30/2025 (AAEM/RSA) or 12/31/2025 (AAEM) to have their ballot counted. If you have not yet renewed for 2025, renew today as an AAEM member or AAEM/RSA member.
Section leadership terms are for one-year (April-April). Councilors are eligible to run for up to two consecutive terms in the same role.
The Chair-Elect is elected by the full-voting section members for a one-year term. The Chair-Elect is responsible for:
- Running and attending quarterly Section Council and Membership meetings in the absence of the Chair
- Assisting with managing the Section
- Promoting the AAEM mission by increasing Section membership through recruiting new members
- Leading the nomination process to recruit nominations for succession planning
- Developing valuable engaging member benefits for attendees
- Attend the bimonthly Section Leadership Committee meeting
- Must be a full-voting AAEM member in good standing
- Upon completion of the term, the Chair-Elect ascends to the role of Section Chair
The Secretary/Finance Chair is responsible for:
- Reporting on and overseeing the finances and membership of the Section
- Attending quarterly Section Council and Membership meetings
- Posting a short summary following Council meetings highlighting action, invitation, and engagement items for members on MyAAEM and/or monthly newsletter
- Engaging Section members through developing valuable member benefits and communicating with members via MyAAEM, email, social media and other resources
- Must be an AAEM member in good standing
The number of Councilors are defined by the bylaws. Councilors are responsible for:
- Attending quarterly Section Council meetings (minimum 75% of meetings)
- Serving as a workgroup lead for one or more activities/initiatives and/or events
- Completing objectives by accepting task assignments and meeting deadlines
- Participating in discussion and offering ideas and leadership for future activities
- Must be an AAEM member in good standing
The number of Resident/Student Representatives are defined in the bylaws. Resident/Student Representative(s) are responsible for:
- Attending quarterly Section Council and Membership meetings
- Assisting with organizing webinars, networking, and mentorship opportunities to recruit, engage, and sustain students and residents in the Section
- Providing regular summaries and report-outs to the AAEM/RSA Board of Directors
- Must be an AAEM/RSA member in good standing.
For EUS-AAEM, the representative is nominated and elected by membership.
Meet the Candidates

Candidate for Chair-Elect
Nominated by Joshua Guttman, MD FAAEM
I, Joshua Guttman MD FAAEM am nominating Andrew Shannon MD for the position of chair because he will bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to the ultrasound section. Dr. Shannon completed his ultrasound fellowship in 2011 and since that time has been extensively involved in training residents and fellows. He has been on the EUS board for the last couple of years and always has ideas that are both well thought-out and practical. He will bring a wealth of ideas, experience and know-how to the board for after I complete my term as chair. I am excited to be able to hand off the section to this more than capable hand.
With warm greetings to our ultrasound community, I’d like to submit my name for consideration for the position of Section Chair-Elect of the Emergency Ultrasound Section of AAEM.
Over my past two terms as Councilor, I’ve been privileged to work with many of our dedicated physicians and leaders in point-of-care emergency ultrasound. With your support, I would be honored to serve this upcoming year as Section Chair-Elect.
In my career I have been an ultrasound director for a large urban residency program, an ultrasound fellowship director, a guest lecturer in POCUS at an EM residency in southern Africa, and now a hospital-wide POCUS director. In this current role I advise not only our EM residents, but also IM and family medicine residents on use of ultrasound. I have also implemented a program to teach nursing staff ultrasound-guided access. I hope to use this varied experience to represent the diverse interests of all EM physicians who use or would like to expand their use of POCUS across all the settings in which we practice.
In the year to come, I’d like to continue the Section’s leadership in providing grants for research, promoting quality POCUS research and educational presentations in forums such as our upcoming national meeting in Miami, and advocating for recognition of the skills and contributions of POCUS practitioners in the clinical setting.
I believe that my best contribution to the field involves promoting the adoption of point-of-care ultrasound across the acute care spectrum, contributing to grow the POCUS community, expanding the knowledge base, and making quality ultrasound education accessible to as many physicians and other providers as possible.
Najib Nasrallah
Candidate for Chair-Elect
Self Nomination

Rebecca Theophanous, MD MHSc FAAEM FACEP FAEMUS
Candidate for Secretary/Finance Chair
Self Nomination
I am an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at Duke University and Emergency Ultrasound Director at the Durham VA Healthcare System. As ultrasound faculty at Duke and prior ultrasound course director, I am very involved with our residency, teaching clinical ultrasound, performing weekly image review, presenting advanced ultrasound topics, and teaching at monthly resident simulation sessions. I am active in AAEM and our ultrasound community, presenting talks at SCUF, SAEM, and AAEM. I have experience writing POCUS guidelines and policy, working on my hospital’s POCUS taskforce.
As an ultrasound researcher, I obtained a Master of Health Sciences degree under the Duke Clinical Research Training Program. I have published on innovative three-dimensional ultrasound, served as resident mentor for case reports, and collaborated with other departments on antibiotic stewardship initiatives, which demonstrates my research, teaching, and networking skills. My grant-funded research (SAEMF-AEUS) involves implementation of a POCUS training program for VA ED providers, ultrasound simulation training, and POCUS competency testing.
As current EUS-AAEM councilor, I have worked with our team to fortify the ultrasound foundations of education, research, and career development. As secretary/finance chair, I will keep members updated on EUS-AAEM initiatives, enhance our social media, and coordinate Common Sense and AAEM26 submissions. I plan to expand educational opportunities through innovative and relevant speaker sessions and the Unmute your Probe webinar series. Furthermore, I will consolidate and disseminate high yield POCUS resources for residents and students and promote study resources for the Ultrasonography Focused Practice Designation. I have substantial leadership experience organizing and running large-group ultrasound courses like the EUS-AAEM regional ultrasound course, maximizing hands-on teaching with active education in a collegial environment. Finally, I will bolster initiatives to increase ultrasound presentations at AAEM, further disseminate POCUS newsletters, and strengthen collaborations with other POCUS users to propel our group’s growth and advancement.

Eric Brader, MD FAAEM
Candidate for Councilor
Self Nomination
I have done POCUS since 1986 and have done over 30,000 studies including 10,000 echo’s. I have been US program director at 2 residency sites. I have been an advocate for using echo for diagnosing occlusive MI. ST elevation has a 30% over all false positive rate. 30% of NSTEMIs are actually OMIs and go to cath late or not at all. Non occlusive ST elevation and NSTEMI OMIs can be diagnosed immediately on echo. This will be my focus. I have broad experience and can support other initiatives.

Eric J. Chin, MD MBA FAAEM
Candidate for Councilor
Self Nomination
Hello, EUS-AAEM members!
I would be honored to serve on the upcoming EUS-AAEM board. I completed my AEMUS Fellowship in 2010 at University of California-Irvine Medical Center and became board certified in AEMUS with the inaugural focus practice designation (FPD) in 2022. I have been part of the EUS-AAEM section since 2017, EUS-AAEM Past Section Chair (2019-2020), Councilor (2022-2023), and an EUS Program Director (2015-2019). I am actively involved in local, regional, national, and international ultrasound-related advocacy, education, and research. I am passionate about EUS and would like to serve our amazing and diverse community. I have utilized emergency ultrasound in a variety of emergency medicine environments — from small community-sized EDs to large, tertiary care academic trauma centers, and even in austere overseas environments. In each of these cases, I have been able to leverage the use of EUS to enhance my diagnostic accuracy and patient care.
If elected, I would like to:
- Increase the presence of EUS within AAEM and its ultimate impact on patient care in all emergency medicine environments.
- Advocate within AAEM and beyond regarding policies and guidelines that affect EUS.
- Continue to strengthen the EUS-AAEM section membership and ensure its long-term success as one of AAEM’s largest interest groups.
- Provide more opportunities for EUS mentorship and community.
Thank you for considering my nomination and voting!

Kristine Jeffers, MD FAAEM
Candidate for Councilor
Self Nomination
As the Associate Program Director for the SAUSHEC Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship I am committed to advancing point of care ultrasound education and clinical excellence. I have helped teach courses at AAEM, ACEP and have served as the course director for ultrasound courses with military programs like the Joint Symposium of Emergency Medicine (all the ER docs in the different branches), and most recently I helped DIMO (Defense Institute for Medical Operations) create and lead an ultrasound course in Lusaka, Zambia where we worked with physicians to give them the knowledge and hands on skills to be able to use POCUS bedside in their limited resource setting. My experience in leading and directing multiple courses has strengthened my ability to organize, communicate and collaborate effectively which are skills I believe to be essential for the role of secretary/finance within the ultrasound section. I also currently work with the DHA (Defense Health Agency) as a POCUS leader serving in multiple capacities helping to serve as a subject matter expert on policies, equipment purchasing, machine networking and training for the DHA. I am also a mother to three children under six and manage to keep their schedules and lives straight and functioning while working full time. If that’s not organization I don’t know what is!
I would love to work to enhance communication within the section and with the greater AAEM body to support our initiatives and continue to foster engagement among current and hopefully new members. I am eager to contribute to the section’s continued growth and help shape the future of ultrasound in emergency medicine. I would be honored to serve as your Councilor!

Cosimo Laterza, MD FAAEM
Candidate for Councilor
Self Nomination
I am excited to be considered for a councilor position in the Emergency Ultrasound Section of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine. My passion for point-of-care ultrasound extends beyond clinical practice into education, innovation, and global health.
Throughout my career, I have actively contributed to advancing ultrasound education and accessibility. As a fellow, I spearheaded the development of a peripheral IV ultrasound program for nurses, securing handheld probes and facilitating training to enhance patient care. Additionally, I played a key role in acquiring a new fleet of ultrasound machines for our department, improving diagnostic capabilities and workflow efficiency. As the research director of my department, I am involved in multiple ultrasound-based research projects with a focus on POCUS education initiatives, global health and teleguidance , and echocardiography .
My motivation and ability to execute projects make me well-suited for this role. I am particularly passionate about expanding the role of teleguidance and integrating it into emergency ultrasound fellowships and residency curriculum while also exploring its applications in global health. I hope to additionally establish a framework for emergency physicians to lead hospital-wide POCUS initiatives, fostering interdepartmental collaboration and advancing bedside ultrasound applications across specialties.
As a councilor, I will bring dedication, leadership, and a forward-thinking approach to the section. I look forward to contributing to discussions, leading workgroups, and driving initiatives that expand the reach and impact of emergency ultrasound.
Thank you for your consideration.
Lawrence A. Melniker, MD MS MBA FAAEM
Candidate for Councilor
Self Nomination
It is a great honor to have been a founding member of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine in 1994. Those first meetings in Philadelphia were life and career changing and assisting in the start of the Emergency Ultrasound Section was one of the highlights of my career. Now, returning to the AAEM family and the EUS Section over the past 5 years; it is marvelous to see what an important component in the organization the section has become.
My efforts to support the promulgation of point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) include organizing the Sonography Outcomes Assessment Program (SOAP) research consortium in 1998, completion of a AHRQ-T32 Research Fellowship in Clinical Epidemiology & Health Services Research in 2004 at Cornell University resulting in the publication of the SOAP-1 Trial on ‘Point-of-care Limited Ultrasound in Trauma Patients’ and becoming a founding member of the World Interactive Network Focused on Critical Ultrasound (WINFOCUS) in 2005. Additionally, I serve as the senior methodologist of the Winfocus-International Consensus Conference Series, which has published 4 manuscripts on Lung Ultrasound, Vascular Access, Focused Cardiac Ultrasound, and Ultrasound in Undergraduate Medical Education; collectively cited nearly 5000 times. In 2017, frustrated with how easy it had become to convince clinicians to pick up a probe, yet still so difficult to get administrators to buy the probes, I obtained a Master of Business Administration in Healthcare Economics from George Washington University.
These activities have given me the experience necessary to impact the development of policy & procedures required to expand the use of POCUS throughout our specialty and to clinicians from all specialties. It is with this experience that I present myself for one of the EUS Section councilor positions.

Grant Dale-Derks, DO
Candidate for AAEM/RSA Representative
Self Nomination
My medical journey has been anything but traditional, starting as a military medic and squad leader, transitioning into nursing support, and now training in one of the busiest emergency departments in the country. These experiences have reinforced my commitment to serving communities facing significant health and socioeconomic disparities, where access to timely, high-quality care is limited.
Point-of-care ultrasound is a game-changer in emergency medicine, enhancing diagnostic speed, expediting care, and bridging healthcare gaps. Immediate bedside imaging eliminates delays from formal radiology studies, accelerates clinical decision-making, and reduces ED overcrowding. POCUS also improves patient comprehension – especially in populations with low health literacy – by visually demonstrating pathology and encouraging engagement in their care.
With advancements in wireless handheld devices and AI integration, ultrasound is now more accessible and precise, even in resource-limited settings. As an AAEM Resident and Student Association Representative, I am committed to advancing POCUS education and strengthening interdisciplinary collaboration. By advocating for policies integrating ultrasound into emergency medicine, I aim to enhance efficiency, reduce disparities, and improve patient outcomes.

Denise Elizondo, MD
Candidate for AAEM/RSA Representative
Nominated by Rebecca Theophanous, MD MHSc FAAEM FACEP FAEMUS
I, Rebecca Theophanous, MD, MHSc am nominating Denise Elizondo, MD for the position of EUS-AAEM AAEM/RSA representative because she is eager to become more involved as an EUS leader. I am a current EUS section councilor who has been actively involved in our group over the past 2 years. Dr. Elizondo is a graduating EM resident at my program (Duke EM). We are excited that she will be one of our emergency ultrasound fellows starting in July 2025. During residency, her work ethic, clinical acumen, and teaching skills are outstanding. In addition to being an avid point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) user, she worked with me on several research case reports, including obtaining images and writing up a patient case that utilized POCUS to diagnose a cholecystoduodenal fistula and staghorn calculus in an elderly febrile patient with dementia. She has been an AAEM/RSA representative for the EUS section this year and is excited to become more involved with the group. Some examples are to improve POCUS resources for learners, host monthly podcasts as part of the Unmute Your Probe educational series, and organize/run EUS ultrasound hands-on teaching sessions at AAEM26. I strongly support Dr. Elizondo for the role of the EUS-AAEM AAEM/RSA Representative.
I am excited to submit my nomination to serve as an AAEM/RSA Representative the AAEM Ultrasound Section. Over the past year, I have had the privilege of learning about the impactful work of the AAEM Ultrasound Section as a resident representative. As I transition into an ultrasound fellowship this July, I am eager to deepen my engagement with AAEM and help advance ultrasound education, advocacy, and clinical integration. My journey with ultrasound has been instrumental in shaping my approach to patient care, medical education, and mentorship. From leading ultrasound teaching sessions for medical students to incorporating POCUS in critical care scenarios, I have seen firsthand how ultrasound enhances clinical decision-making and improves patient outcomes.
Serving on the AAEM Ultrasound Section would allow me to collaborate with like-minded physicians dedicated to expanding ultrasound’s role in emergency medicine. I am particularly interested in initiatives that promote ultrasound education among trainees and improve access to high-quality POCUS training. I hope to contribute fresh perspectives as a new ultrasound fellow while learning from the experienced leaders in this space.
I would be honored to serve and continue building connections within the ultrasound community. Thank you for your consideration.

Kristoffer Grybow, MD
Candidate for AAEM/RSA Representative
Self Nomination
I am Kris Grybow. I am a PGY-3 Family medicine Resident who has applied for and been accepted to an Emergency Medicine Fellowship in Jackson, TN. I am currently in the military and excited about expanding my knowledge and skills in the civilian and military market. I am actively working on completing a virtual Ultrasound fellowship and would love to get involved in expanding education and access to Ultrasound resources. I believe that in the ED and especially in the world of military medicine, where resources can be limited, point-of-care ultrasound can be a game changer. I want to get involved, learn how to expand education, and advocate for the growth of ultrasound and AAEM.

Christopher Karnicki, MD MS
Candidate for AAEM/RSA Representative
Self Nomination
Dear AAEM Emergency Ultrasound Committee Selection Panel,
I am writing to nominate myself in serving as an RSA representative for the Emergency Ultrasound Section. As a current PGY-2 resident part of the Ultrasound Track at St. Barnabas Hospital with a passion for point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS), I am eager to contribute my skills, enthusiasm, and practice within our specialty. I have come to appreciate the role POCUS plays in patient care as it proves to be an invaluable tool in the ED. During my time in residency, I have dedicated a significant time to hands on practice, attending workshops and tape review and pursuing additional training opportunities to teaching my fellow peers and colleagues which has reinforced my belief in the importance of ultrasound education in all levels of training. During my term, I hope to enhance ultrasound education to fellow residents in EM, and support resident involvement by offering resident and other physician led initiatives for ultrasound training.

Garret Vincent
Candidate for AAEM/RSA Representative
Self Nomination
I am excited to nominate myself for the Emergency Ultrasound Student Representative position. My passion for point-of-care ultrasound began during an ultrasound elective course I recently completed in medical school. The exposure to ultrasound’s diverse applications and diagnostic potential inspired me to advocate for enhanced ultrasound education from the very start of medical training.
I believe that through webinars, networking events, and mentorship opportunities, we can bridge the educational gap and help medical students gain a deep understanding of ultrasound’s capabilities, as well as the technical skills necessary to maximize its benefits. By supporting this section, I hope to advance opportunities for learning, innovation, and collaboration in ultrasound.
I look forward to helping this section advance the use of ultrasound in the Emergency Department.
Bernard Wiredu, PhD
Candidate for AAEM/RSA Representative
Self Nomination
AAEM/RSA. As a physician trainee with significant experience in medical research, I am deeply committed to advancing emergency medicine education and fostering mentorship for students and residents. My background as an Assistant professor in Medicinal Chemistry where I routinely interacted and mentored students, provides me with a unique perspective on patient-centered care, particularly in oncologic emergency medicine.
Throughout my academic and professional career, I have demonstrated strong leadership, analytical, and communication skills. I have successfully engaged in research projects, collaborated with interdisciplinary teams, and mentored students in both scientific and medical fields. My ability to coordinate initiatives and work collaboratively with peers aligns well with the responsibilities of this role.
I am particularly drawn to this position as it allows me to contribute directly to student and resident engagement in emergency medicine. I am eager to leverage my experience to assist with organizing webinars, networking events, and mentorship opportunities to support professional growth within the section.
If given the opportunity to serve in this role, my primary objectives would include:
- Attending quarterly section council and membership meetings’ Ensuring active participation and meaningful contributions to discussions and initiatives.
- Assisting with engagement opportunities – Helping to organize webinars, networking, and mentorship programs to enhance recruitment and retention of students and residents.
- Providing regular updates to the AAEM/RSA Board of Directors’ Ensuring transparent communication and alignment with the board’s vision and goals.
I am eager to bring my passion, skills, and dedication to AAEM/RSA and am confident in my ability to make meaningful contributions during my term. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my background and goals align with the vision of AAEM/RSA.
Bernard Wiredu, PhD
Question or concerns? Please contact the AAEM office for more information at (800) 884-2236 or via email.