
Serving on an AAEM Committee is an incredible opportunity to get involved in areas of EM that you are interested in, meet other members, and work collaboratively on projects that further the mission of AAEM. We have over 20 committees and subcommittees that you can choose from.

AAEM and AAEM/RSA members are invited to apply to join a committee. While committee Appointments are reviewed and approved on a quarterly basis, you can apply anytime!

Learn more about the processes and procedures for Committees in the Reference Manual.

Learn About Our Committees

Academic Affairs

Provides leadership in the area of academic advocacy.

Business Partnership

Reviews AAEM partnership proposals/opportunities with other organizations and/or companies

Clinical Practice

Writes evidence-based statements on issues impacting EM physicians.


Provides AAEM members with the best possible educational resources.

EM Workforce

Engages in advocacy issues that speak to the mission of AAEM.


Reviews any disciplinary issues or allegations of unethical behavior brought to the Academy.

Government & National Affairs

Directs AAEM’s advocacy efforts.


Serves as a liaison to international EM societies and organizations.

Latin American/Hispanic Health & Education

Protects unencumbered access of Hispanic and Latin Americans to the highest quality of emergency medical care.


Monitors the EM legal arena to provide information to members regarding medical legal matters.


Evaluates dues structure, recruits new members, and increases membership retention.

Pain and Addiction

Provides guidelines on administrating analgesia and procedural sedation in the ED.

Palliative Care

Provides resources and guidance to the development of palliative care competence relevant to emergency physicians.

Section Leadership

Works collaboratively to enhance member engagement, inspire leadership succession planning; and streamline processes.

Social EM & Population Health

Explores the social forces impacting patients and systems of emergency care.

Social Media

Assists in getting AAEM more involved on online social media platforms.


Studies root causes of burnout and promote wellness and career longevity for AAEM members.