Palliative Care

Palliative Care Committee

Who We Are 

This committee provides resources and guidance to members and the board of directors in regards to the development of palliative care competence relevant to emergency physicians across all levels of experience.


Margaret Putman, DO FAAEM

Bruce R. Gutierrez, DO
Vice Chair

Tom Scaletta, MD MAAEM FAAEM
Board Liaison

Erica Pollnow
Staff Liaison

Our Projects

Speak to Someone about Hospice and Palliative Medicine Training

Are you considering a career transition to hospice or palliative care? The AAEM Palliative Care Committee would like to help! We are creating a mentor network to connect those in hospice or palliative practice with EM docs considering a change. If you are interested in speaking with someone to learn more about potential careers and how to get there, please complete the form below and we’ll have a mentor reach out to you.

Submit Request

COVID-19 Palliative Care Conversation Resources
Other Resources
Common Sense Articles
How to Join

If you are interested in joining our committee, apply today!

Apply to Join a Committee

Appointments are confirmed on a quarterly basis (January, April, July, October).