Leadership Academy

The AAEM Leadership Academy has been around for many years and has been instrumental in developing the current and past leaders of AAEM. As the Academy evolves, so must the offerings AAEM provides to its members. A new longitudinal yearlong program has been created that will provide new and aspiring leaders the skills and resources to be an effective leader and have a strong impact on the future of AAEM.

For numerous years, the AAEM Leadership Academy has played a pivotal role in developing the present and past leaders of AAEM. As the Academy progresses, AAEM recognizes the necessity to adapt its offerings for its members accordingly. A new longitudinal yearlong program has been created to equip new and aspiring leaders with the skills and resources needed to be an effective leader of AAEM. The new program will have a small cohort of 15-20 participants, allowing for increased collaboration, relationship building, and individual professional fulfillment.

Want to make a strong impact on the trajectory of AAEM? Apply for the Leadership Academy today!

Applications for the 2024-2025 program are now closed.

Program Outline
  • Kick-off meeting and reception held at AAEM24 in Austin, TX on Monday, April 29, 2024 from 3:00pm-5:00pm CT*
  • Three virtual sessions held from May 2024 – April 2025
  • 1:1 mentorship with current and past AAEM leaders
  • Develop and implement a project (as an individual or in a small group) that will support the advancement AAEM’s mission
  • Project report-out to the AAEM Board of Directors and program commencement held at AAEM25 in Miami, FL*

*In-person participation at the kick-off meeting and program commencement is required.

Who Should Apply?

Someone who:

  • Is passionate about emergency medicine;
  • Is fired up about the mission of AAEM;
  • Wants to become a more effective leader and make your mark on AAEM;
  • Enjoys networking, making connections, and wants to be a part of a community of developing leaders.

Self-nominations are allowed and strongly encouraged. Submit an application today!