Your Action is Needed on PA Legislation in ME

Dear Maine AAEM Members,

Here is a brief summary of the important legislative issue going on THIS WEEK that we wanted to give the emergency medicine physicians in Maine an opportunity to weigh in on.

In March, Bill LD1660 passed in Maine, removing the requirement for PAs to be supervised by physicians. This was a two-year discussion, but PAs pushed it through quietly at the onset of the state emergency shutdown. Many states gave PAs temporary independent practice during the emergency, but Maine made it a permanent law.

The Board of Licensure in Medicine (BOLIM) has been tasked with putting the law into rules. This “rule-making” process is occurring now and Maine physicians have been asked to comment on their draft of the rules by this coming Friday, August 7th. The Maine Medical Association has also asked for comments, which are due August 4th.

The Board’s proposal as it exists right now is unsafe for patients on several levels. Most of it cannot be changed at this juncture because it is already law. However, there are some areas that CAN be modified now. Dr. Alyson Maloy has drafted a response that has been adopted by the Maine Association of Psychiatric Physicians, as well as Physicians for Patient Protection (a national 501c organization comprised of physicians involved in scope of practice issues). Also, the American Psychiatric Association is in support and will be submitting their own additional letter.

This is such an important change in the practice of medicine and we hope the enactment of this law can address some serious safety issues. Physicians must speak up, as we are the only ones who truly understand the clinical impact of the difference in training between physicians and PAs.

Thank you for your time.

Best wishes,

AAEM EM Workforce Committee

Additional Resource:

Seeking Comments on Proposed Amendments to Board Rule Chapter 2 Physician Assistants