Clinical Practice

Clinical Practice Committee

Who We Are 

The focus of the AAEM Clinical Practice Committee is to write evidence-based clinical practice statements on current issues that impact emergency medicine physicians.


Robert L. Sherwin, MD FAAEM

Bradley E. Barth, MD FAAEM
Vice Chair

Kevin C. Reed, MD FAAEM
Board Liaison

Thomas G. Derenne
Staff Liaison

Our Projects


Since 2008, the committee has drafted over 40 clinical practice statements and clinical practice guidelines. Many of these statements have been submitted for peer review & publication in the Journal of Emergency Medicine (JEM).

The general guidelines for the preparation of clinical practice statements was updated April 2014. Join the committee as they develop clinical policy statements on current issues that impact emergency medicine physicians.

Protocols for Submitting a Clinical Practice Statement

These general guidelines for the preparation of AAEM Clinical Practice Statements should be used when submitting to the committee for review.

Options for Submitting a Board Approved CPC Paper for JEM Consideration
  1. Submit the paper in initial format as written by the author(s) to Dr. Gary Vilke, our JEM “expediter.” He can send it to the appropriate editor for expedited review. (no sharing of authorship with this route and it is presumably not as involved as getting it published as an outsider sending it to JEM for publication)
  2. Submit the paper to Dr. Gary Vilke for him and his fellows to “polish” before submitting to JEM. If substantial changes are required (i.e. in general, more than grammar and spelling changes), Dr. Vilke and his fellows will receive co-author credit.
  3. Submit for publication in the AAEM white pages in JEM. The paper is not peer reviewed and does not count toward peer-reviewed authorship. The paper is not searchable on PubMed and other related sites. The turnaround time for publication of a CPC statement is much faster than for a peer-reviewed paper.
How to Join

If you are interested in joining our committee, apply today!

Apply to Join a Committee

Appointments are confirmed on a quarterly basis (January, April, July, October).