The New York-Connecticut Regional Chapter Division of AAEM (NY-CT/AAEM) advocates for the values of AAEM at the state level for its NY-CT/AAEM members.
NY-CT/AAEM Mentorship Opportunity
Working in emergency medicine in New York and/or Connecticut is an opportunity that is highly competitive, fast-paced, exhilarating, and not for the faint-hearted. Navigating through the process can be daunting and, at times, overwhelming. Want to learn tips to expand job/educational opportunities, plan your career route, and/or balance work/life expectations? Members of the NY-CT Regional Chapter Division are here […]
More about NY-CT/AAEM
The New York-Connecticut Regional Chapter Division of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine is a democratic organization that shares the values and mission of AAEM. We are committed to the following principles:
- Every individual should have access to high quality emergency care provided by a board-certified emergency physician.
- We support fair and equitable practice environments necessary to allow the specialist in emergency medicine to deliver the highest quality of patient care in New York and Connecticut.
- Advancing the education of emergency medicine for medical students and residents in New York and Connecticut.
- We are dedicated to support research that combats systemic racism, prejudice, violence, and inequality against all people of color.
Nicholas A. Schwartz, MD FAAEM
Vice President
Leah B. Colucci, MD MS
Alex Sneddon, DO
Immediate Past President
Lillian Oshva, MD FAAEM
At-Large Board Members
Deborah Dean, MD FAAEM
Leyam Kewson, MD FAAEM
Shenequa Mcleod, MD FAAEM
Matthew Morrison, MD
Resident Representative
Spencer Matson, MD
Student Representative
Gabriela Hernandez
Board Liaison
Laura J. Bontempo, MD MEd FAAEM
Staff Liaison
Elizabeth Mueller
If you are already a member of AAEM or AAEM/RSA:
- AAEM Members: Add an NY-CT/AAEM Membership
- AAEM/RSA Members. Add an NY-CT/AAEM Membership
If you are not a current AAEM or AAEM/RSA Member:
- Email us or call (800) 884-2236 to join NY-CT/AAEM today.
- You can also add a NY-CT/AAEM Membership online when you become an AAEM member or AAEM/RSA member!
- Full Voting ($40)
- Associate ($20)
- Fellow-in-Training ($20)
- Resident (Free)
- Medical Student (Free)
Chapter division memberships run on a calendar year and must be renewed annually.
There are no upcoming events.
NY-CT/AAEM Statement Regarding COVID-19
The New York-Connecticut Regional Chapter Division of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (NY-CT/AAEM) understands the extreme and significant impacts that the COVID-19 pandemic has on our community. We consist of physicians that are board certified in emergency medicine, many who hold leadership roles in emergency departments across New York and Connecticut.
We support New York Governor Cuomo collaborating with New Jersey Governor Murphy and Connecticut Governor Lamont in their attempts to minimize community spread of COVID-19, including curfews, school and establishment closures, and advocating for social distancing.
We find the following actions to be urgent and necessary in response to COVID-19:
- Temporarily cancel all elective surgeries, diagnostic tests, and admissions, as we need every available resource for surges in acutely ill patients.
- Ensure that all emergency department and hospital staff who care for patients infected or potentially infected with COVID-19 have adequate personal protective equipment including N95 masks or PAPR, gloves, face and eye masks, and gowns. Many emergency physicians have reported inadequate protection or have been rationing and reusing masks. Exhaust every option to increase PPE availability and prioritize distribution to emergency physicians and other frontline providers, even if it means depletion of the Strategic National Stockpile; we cannot risk losing our frontline medical response to illness.
- Change regulations so that the healthcare system may treat as many patients as safely as possible. High impact solutions may include:
- Waivers to HIPAA laws so that physicians can utilize their personal phones and provide healthcare services without fear of privacy risks
- Suspension of EMTALA so that the influx of non-urgent or non-emergent health concerns do not utilize ED resources
- Relaxation of telemedicine regulations to allow for its much needed support to our healthcare system. [These include those such as strict reimbursement requirements (that are originally intended to prevent fraud and abuse), geographic and originating site restraints]
- Support the acute care hospital system by expanding onsite resources for patients that live in group facilities (e.g. group homes, homeless shelter, dormitories, nursing and rehabilitation facilities, and prisons).
- Protect emergency physicians against medical malpractice claims during this time where operations will be strained and physicians are truly triaging to provide the best care for the most people.
- Allow licensed physicians to practice across state lines. This will help to buffer the dynamic shifts in staffing requirements as the outbreak continues in various areas of the United States.
NY-CT/AAEM understands that the needs and issues regarding his current public health emergency are fluid and will continue to make recommendations as this crisis evolves.
For questions and comments, please email nyaaembod@list.aaem.org.