The Uniformed Services Chapter Division of AAEM (USAAEM) facilitates the interaction, communication, and camaraderie between individual emergency physicians as well was between the individual branches of the uniformed services.
USAAEM seeks to improve the quality and promote the integrity of the practice and management of emergency medicine in the areas of government service and the military.
USAAEM Resources
Check out our resources for attendings, residents, and medical students.
More about USAAEM
Learn more about USAAEM through its bylaws.
Alexander F. Barbuto, MD FAAEM
Vice President
To Be Determined
Immediate Past President
Jacob L. Arnold, MD FAAEM
Air Force Representative
Rachel Ely, DO FAAEM
Army Representative
Juliette Conte, MD FACEP FAAEM
Navy Representative
Resident Representative
CPT Logan Morin, DO
Medical Student Member Representative
2LT Virginia Thomas
Reserve/Retired Representative
Bret T. Ackermann, DO MSS FAAEM
Board Liaison
Frank L. Christopher, MD FAAEM
Staff Liaison
Lindsay Cox
*Interested in filling an open position? Please contact AAEM for more information.
If you are already a member of AAEM or AAEM/RSA:
- AAEM Members: Add an USAAEM Membership
- AAEM/RSA Members. Add an USAAEM Membership
If you are not a current AAEM or AAEM/RSA Member:
- Email us or call (800) 884-2236 to join USAAEM today.
- You can also add a USAAEM Membership online when you become an AAEM member or AAEM/RSA member!
- Full Voting ($35)
- Associate ($20)
- Fellow-in-Training ($20)
- Resident (Free)
- Medical Student (Free)
Chapter division memberships run on a calendar year and must be renewed annually.
There are no upcoming events.
Watch Past USAAEM Webinars