Why are you thankful for AAEM?

This November, AAEM is highlighting our members by sharing their thankful message. Please join us by sharing your own thankful message on social media using #AAEMThankful

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 Read below for our AAEM members responses. Thank you to everyone that submitted a thankful message. 

David Farcy, MD FAAEM FCCM

AAEM gives me the opportunity to advocate for myself and my specialty. Through AAEM we will shape the future of emergency medicine!


Thankful that there is an EM organization that puts patients and physicians over profit; that never compromises ethics to please CMG’s or administrators; walks the talk for women and URM’s; supports an appropriate balance between service and education in residencies; defines EP’s as board certified and residency trained; supports global development of EM which incorporates the development of residencies and a board certification process. And we know our members!

Fred Kency Jr., MD

I am thankful for AAEM, the organization that advocates for unencumbered access to Residency Trained, Board Certified, Emergency Medicine Physicians like Me!

Marianne Haughey, MD FAAEM 

I am thankful for the connections, friendships and education!

Danya Khoujah, MBBS FAAEM

Five reasons I’m thankful for AAEM:

  1. Scientific assemblies 
  2. Networking
  3. Educational content 
  4. Advocacy 
  5. Amazing staff!

Joanne Williams, MD MAAEM FAAEM

I am most grateful for the comradery and fellowship in the Academy. I appreciate and am thankful for the MEMC (Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress), an arena in which to meet and greet EM practitioners from other countries and cultures.


AAEM has given me the opportunity to rejoin the academic community, advocate for our members on our Workforce Committee and with the NYAAEM board, and meet so many other AAEM members who are contributing in so many ways to the practice of emergency medicine. I’ve found mentors, I’ve found friends, and I’ve found a new passion.

Andy Walker, MD FAAEM

I spent many years and a lot of money, sacrificed, and worked extremely hard in order to acquire the skills and judgment needed to take care of acutely injured and seriously ill patients. In recent years, however, an expanding horde of nonphysician bureaucrats has been trying to control how I practice medicine.

Whether it’s hospital administrators, predatory corporations like EmCare/Envision, insurance companies, tort lawyers, or government apparatchiks – mercenary outside forces are interfering in the doctor-patient relationship and trying to take control of the medical profession. At this particular moment, I am most thankful for AAEM because the Academy is the only professional society in emergency medicine fighting this destructive trend and trying to preserve my professional autonomy and my ability to do the best thing for my patients.

Kristen Kent, MD FAAEM

I am thankful for AAEM’s persistent support and advocacy for the specialty of emergency medicine, quality care for patients, and high standards for those who care for patients.


AAEM and AAEM/RSA have been an inspiration and moral compass to me in the field of Emergency Medicine since medical school. AAEM provides invaluable education and mentorship. I admire its commitment to the fair practice of Emergency Medicine and to the value of a board-certified emergency physician for all patients. I am so grateful for the national network of colleagues and friends I have made in the past 10+ years. Long live AAEM!

Danielle Goodrich, MD FAAEM

I am thankful for AAEM for providing a community of support and now has given me the opportunity as the Young Physician President to support other young physicians in the early stages of their careers.

Maryjane Brown, MD FAAEM

Short answer networking and connection with Dr. Loice Swisher and Dr. Carol Pak Teng and he for she supporter and AAEM President Dr. David Farcy; Common Sense editor emeritus Dr. Andy Walker. Also grateful for the support of AAEM staff!!! Mentoring medical students like Dr. Kaitlyn Parks a future AAEM leader (2nd generation).

Robert Lam, MD FAAEM

I am thankful that AAEM cares about the personal and professional well-being of the individual emergency physician. AAEM is the true advocate for our specialty and our colleagues!

Kraftin Schreyer, MD CMQ FAAEM

I’m thankful for the opportunities AAEM has given me to network, collaborate, and build relationships. At both Scientific Assemblies and the ED Management Solutions: Principles and Practice course, I have had the chance to connect with other like-minded physicians and, in doing so, better my department and myself.


Because the members of AAEM are willing to take a stand on challenging issues, and not afraid to stand up for what is right.

Patricia Panakos, MD FAAEM

For their continued support and fight for the rights of every Emergency Physician, as well as their commitment to creating mentorship and leadership opportunities for physicians early in their career.

Vicki Norton, MD FAAEM

I am so thankful for AAEM always advocating for us, as Emergency Physicians, and for standing up for what’s right. I am so grateful for all the amazing colleagues I have met over the years at AAEM events. These connections Have been so pivotal in my career, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without the support of the people I have come to count as friends.

The new Women in EM Section is also another key reason I am thankful for AAEM because it was created with the goals of advancing gender equity through education, leadership and advocacy. This is something I strongly believe in and I am proud to have the support of AAEM. An organization is only as strong as its members, and AAEM has outstanding people who go above and beyond in all their efforts. Truly, I am privileged to be a part of something so remarkable.

Megan Healy, MD FAAEM

AAEM is the voice of reason and integrity in emergency medicine as we face ever more complex problems as a specialty and in the house of medicine. AAEM supports new voices and engages members with diverse perspectives. AAEM leaders (especially the BOD 2017-2019) shaped me into the physician I am and continue to challenge me to learn and grow.

Loice Swisher, MD FAAEM

I’m thankful for those in AAEM taking the lead on shining a light in the darkness- depression, burnout and suicidal ideation. I’m thankful for these people who changed my life.


I value AAEM’s mission and what it has to offer. Personally, I feel it is important to contribute to organized EM. I was a member of AAEM’s Education Committee many years ago near AAEM’s inception. As a returning member to AAEM’s Education Committee, I intend to use my skills and professional network to help AAEM, the committee, and its chairpersons plan another great educational Scientific Assembly for our members and conference attendees. I am honored to have been selected to serve on this important committee.


Most important, I’m thankful for AAEM and its steadfast, unfailing support of the practicing emergency physician–that sometimes overlooked but crucial component of emergency medicine. EM cannot be practiced or delivered to its fullest without the human being emergency physician–a specialist with residency training, board certification, and a fair, safe practice environment that enables the delivery of safe, effective, timely, efficient, equal and high quality emergency care for anyone, anything, anytime.

Ever since my first interactions with AAEM in 2003 during the MEMC, I have been impressed with AAEM’s dedication to excellence in education, their attention to professionalism and egalitarianism, to encouraging and promoting diversity, and to forwarding the field of emergency medicine with unfailing advocacy and a fierce loyalty to the practicing emergency physician.

I’m proud to be a Board Member of the AAEM, to be a Fellow of the AAEM and a member–the organization that is truly the Champion of the Emergency Physician.

Michael Martino, MD FAAEM

“The Champion of the Emergency Physician” – AAEM – empowers me to be a CHAMPION for my patients!

Matthew Zuckerman, MD FAAEM

I’m thankful that AAEM provides a community of people that share my passion for patient care and the practice of emergency medicine.