Heatherlee Bailey, MD FAAEM FCCM

Faculty, Durham VA Medical Center

Heatherlee Bailey, MD FAAEM FCCM

Year of Residency Completion: 1997
Year of Fellowship Completion: 1998
State: North Carolina
Facility/School: Durham VA Medical Center
Position: Faculty
Years of Experience in Critical Care: 20
Areas of Interest: Resuscitation, CPR, PICS, Gender Equity, Safety


Dr. Bailey is an Emergency Medicine Intensivist, Dr. Bailey completed her Emergency Medicine Residency and a Faculty Fellowship in Critical Care at the Medical College of PA in Philadelphia. Her career is rooted in education, trainee development and mentorship. Her dedication and expertise have been nationally recognized with awards from both SCCM and the AMA. Dr. Bailey also serves as an Oral Board Examiner for the American Board of Emergency Medicine. Dr. Bailey’s path of volunteerism, mentorship and leadership led her to be the first Emergency Medicine trained President of SCCM.

Speaking Engagements

  • Bailey, H (Dec 2020). From CPR to eCPR. ESICM Lives Digital 2020, Madrid, Spain (virtual)
  • Bailey, H (Nov 2020). Offloading the ICU: The Role of the ED ICU and why you want one.  XX Curso International de Medicina Intensive, Lima, Peru (virtual)
  • Bailey, H (Jan 2019)Telemedicine, Machine Learning…Where are the Humans? 2nd Milan Critical Care Datathon and ESICM’s Big Datatalk. Milan, Italy
  • Bailey, H (Nov 2019) EM Critical Care:What Happens in the ED…Doesn’t Stay in the ED. CBMI, Fortaleza, Brazil
  • Bailey, H (Nov 2019). Medical Tourism. CBMI, Fortaleza, Brazil
  • Bailey, H. (Nov, 2019)The Continuum of Care: It’s not a puzzle, it’s a cycle. COMMEC, Leon Guanajuato, Mexico
  • Bailey, H (Oct 2019) Clinician Safety During Pandemics. World Congress of Intensive Care, Melbourne, Australia
  • Bailey, H (April, 2019) PICs vs PIICS – Pick your Syndrome. Panama International Critical Care Congress 2019. Panama City, Panama
  • Bailey, H Guidelines, Bundles, and Metrics in Sepsis: How did we get here and where are we going. XI Congress LatinoAmericano Infectiones Quirurgicas, Panama City, Panama
Speaking Sample