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  • Balance Billing and Out of Network Charges
    Position Any regulations or laws that restrict out-of-network fees and balance billing from the emergency department should provide that insurers reimburse emergency physicians for their professional services at rates consistent with “usual and customary charges.” The “usual and c …

    EMTALA, Position Statements

  • Definition of Negligence for EMTALA-Mandated Emergency Care
    The American Academy of Emergency Medicine (hereinafter AAEM or the Academy) supports an increased level of scienter for EMTALA mandated care.1  Specifically, AAEM supports state laws that require plaintiffs to prove gross negligence or recklessness, by clear and convincing evidence, in cases a …

    EMTALA, Position Statements, Tort Reform

  • AAEM Position Statement on Documentation and Payment for EMTALA Requirements
    AAEM Position Statement on Documentation and Payment for EMTALA Requirements Whereas, The existing system of submitting forms documenting total body medical history and total body examination during time critical and condition specific emergency treatment in order to obtain payment for emergency s …

    EMTALA, Position Statements

  • Funding for EMTALA Requirements
    Whereas, One in five Americans currently does not possess health insurance, Emergency Medicine is experiencing a crisis in overcrowding and inadequate funding, Emergency departments are more than ever before expected to act as the front line for medical services in the event of reg …

    EMTALA, Position Statements