Position Statements
Position Statement on Mandatory Error Reporting
The American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) supports a national mandatory error reporting system that includes legal liability protections and the following other additional safeguards: 1. Data registry would be managed and analyzed by a non-governmental agency that could be held responsible for any breach of confidentiality. Physicians should be involved in identifying the type […] -
Position Statement on Due Process
An emergency physician is entitled to due process upon unilateral termination by his or her employer (or contracting entity) or upon any other adverse action that otherwise affects his or her job security. Due process assumes that the following are property rights of an emergency physician, fundamental to quality patient care and the pursuit of […] -
AAEM Position Statement on Managed Care
AAEM is committed to provide for all patients needing emergency care by each and every emergency department without regard to economic ability, insurance or payor status. Emergency physicians provide this care 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and the AAEM calls upon employers, third party payers and managed care organizations to support AAEM […] -
AAEM Takes a Stand Against Moonlighting Residents
The American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) strongly believes that the independent practice of Emergency Medicine is best conducted by a specialist board certified in Emergency Medicine. Furthermore, it is AAEM's opinion that the independent practice of Emergency Medicine by residents in training in Emergency Medicine or other specialties, commonly referred to as "moonlighting," is […] -
Performance of Emergency Screening Ultrasound Examinations
Performance of Emergency Screening Ultrasound Examinations Definition An Emergency Screening Ultrasound Examination (ESUE) is a sonographic imaging procedure performed by an emergency physician on a patient in the emergency department in an effort to detect acute medical problems. Purpose The purpose of obtaining this sonographic information would be to expedite patient diagnosis, treatment, or […] -
Position Statement on the Advanced Cardiac Life Support Course
AAEM recognizes the value of the ACLS curriculum for non-EM boarded physicians and other health care providers who need to be familiar with the principles of acute cardiac care. However, AAEM believes that board certification in Emergency Medicine establishes expertise in acute cardiac life support beyond what which is taught in the ACLS course. Therefore, […] -
Position Statement on the Advanced Trauma Life Support Course
AAEM recognizes the value of the ATLS curriculum for non-EM boarded physicians and other health care providers who need to be familiar with the principles of trauma care. However, AAEM believes that board certification in Emergency Medicine establishes expertise in trauma care beyond that which is taught in the ATLS course. Therefore, ATLS should not […]